Be a Lotus Flower.

The Lotus flower happens to be my favorite flower. It grows from the mud and blooms beautifully above the water. It also is a prominent symbol in Buddhism. Many wonder how could something so beautiful come from that seems ugly?
This flower represents more than just beauty to me. It represents strength and hope. Don’t let your current circumstances determine your future no matter what it is! You have a choice. Write that book, paint that picture, and dance your dance. The possibilities are endless! 

I’m in the process of literally revamping my life, and I thought about deleting my old posts. Then, I thought about how many times I have deleted websites, posts, and pictures. Not this time. I wanted to be able to reflect on my growth. We are going to spend the rest of December not giving up and growing so we can carry that foundation into the new year. 

Don’t let where you are now hold you back from the rest of your life. 

Be You. Be True. BeeUnique.

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