Yeah yeah I know what you’re thinking lol but I have great news.

Yes I disappeared again and I am so sorry. A lot has happened. I spent half of Father’s day in the hospital with my father because he collapsed, and he had to spend his birthday which was the day after in the hospital also. That’s one thing out of the many. But I have a surprise. So I started on my website sometime last year but I’m finally finishing it up. Well kind of sort of.  I’m going to go through two phases of the website because I don’t have my business set yet. But I still want to interact with everyone. I have a forum section on my site so Unique individuals can unite! Unicorns included! It must have been a sign because I accidentally published my site. Talk about slight heart attack. I think I’m going to use this as my personal blog because I don’t want to abandon my wordpress baby and use the one on my site as a more motivational business like blog if that makes any sense. I guess here I can talk more freely about my opinions on certain topics and over there be Life Coach Bee. You know lose my mind over here (vent) and keep it together over there. Just joking lol maybe. We all need a laugh after some events in our personal lives and nationally. There has been back to back tragedies and we need to be working together not against each other. I hope everyone is in a wonderful mood and I will post the site soon….. Eventually. 🙂

Much love to you all


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